Journal Entry 4

Date: 18.3.2024


  • Presenting my PROJECT A (One Page Level Design)


Today I presented my PROJECT A (One Page Level Design) and I got feedback from my classmates. This serves me to remember what was good and what I need to redesign or change to make better level design on one page. Let's start with good insights what is missing or not great designed on my one page level design. The legends is CHAOTIC (in Slovak/Czech "guláš") so I need to rearrange whole legends. The next what I need to change is view links between interactables in level (now is only transparent red like a wire). Then I need to make more proportional accurate for easy implement for game developer and end of the level make more detail of implementing two boxes blockade to unlock ending portal. I got some compliments about my level design but good insights and critic can better improve my skill but I appreciate it.


  • Experience and good insights

Get Project A

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